Zhijindong Cave
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17-Features of soda straws in Zhijindong Cave

Soda straws have been mainly developing in the Crystal Palace brach cave in the 4th layer in Zhijindong Cave. They usually develop in certain area with a length of 10 to 20cm, an inner diameter of 2 to 6mm. There are usually water drops hanging at the bottom end, indicating they are still growing.
 说明: E:\贵州织金洞世界地质公园申报材料编制2013-04-26\2013-07织金洞地质公园画册\3-第一篇神奇的喀斯特(同一个名称,可能有多张照片,帮选出一张即可)\3-1洞穴天堂\3-1-2 典型-珍稀-罕见的钟乳石世界\石钟乳\小小水滴的故事(发育中的鹅管)03.jpg
Soda straws that are still growing