Zhijindong Cave
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21-Flowstone dam of water resort in Zhijindong Cave

The stone terrace and flowstone dam at Water Resort Cave Member in Zhijindong Cave. They develop along the tilt cave bottom in the overlapping and sectional developmental way with their dam width of 60 to 310cm, dam height of 30 to 110cm and dam thickness of 10 to 35cm. They separate the water body into pools of different sizes. Their contiguous development area is 5300m2, their single development area is very big so that they are relatively rare both at home and aboard.

Comparison of flowstone dams (calcareous tufa for the outside of caves) with a single development area over than 1,000m2 in the world

SNArea (m2)Name of Cave/GeositeRegionInside/outside of cave
110000Huanglongdong CaveZhangjiajie City, Hunan province, ChinaFlowstone dam (Inside the cave)
25300Zhijindong CaveZhijin County, Guizhou province, China
3>300,000HuanglonggouSonpan County, Sichuan province, ChinaCalcareous tufa
(Outside the cave)
4>300,000Baishuitai sShangri-La County, Yunnan province, China
5>5000JiuzhaigouJiuzhaigou County, Sichuan province, China
6>2000XiaoqikongLibo County, Guizhou province, China
7>1500HuangguoshuZhenning County, Guizhou province, China