Qijiehe River
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30-Dacaokou tiankeng and Xiaocaokou tiankeng

They develop in pairs in the downstream of Qijiehe River. Qijiehe River runs from southwest and goes towards northeast and then flows to underground eventually. They are surrounded by precipice and steep cliff with the height of 265-330m. At the Tiankeng bottom, plants grow luxuriantly, and many animals such as birds, frogs and butterflies can be found. In tiankeng, there are many scenic spots like Tiangu natural bridge, Dacaokou precipice, triangular facet, and Dacaokou karst breccia stratum, etc.. Tiangu Natural Bridge is the boundary of two tiankengs.
说明: E:\贵州织金洞世界地质公园申报材料编制2013-04-26\2013-07-28生成图件\大小槽口天坑.jpg
Dacaokou Tiankeng and Xiaocaokou Tiankeng (according to He Wei, Li Bo, et al., 2011)

Main development parameters of Dacaokou tiankeng and Xiaocaokou tiankeng

Name of TiankengDevelopment stratumEntrance formElevation of the bottom (m)Entrance diameter
Entrance area
Max. depth
Min. depth
Total capacity (M m3)Level/Genetic type
DacaokouT1yn1Long strip shape1000.5905X37022680033026555.65Super-large/collapse pit
XiaocaokouT1yn1Ellipse1080325X180459252202058.91Large/collapse pit