Qijiehe River
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34-Dazhai Cuesta

It is located close to Dazhai village in the downstream of Qijiehe River, and near the entrance of Dacaokou Gorge. The palisades is approximately vertical with the cliff height of 60-90m. The top of palisades is a broad gentle slope with basically flat slope surface, few exposed bed rock, thick weathered layer, and it is covered by vegetation.
Main development parameters of Dazhai Cuesta

NameDevelopment parameter of steep slopeDevelopment parameter of gentle slopeDevelopment stratum
Height (m)Length (m)Length (m)Width (m)AreaTop layerSteep slope
Dazhai Cuesta60-9030030050-80About 21000 m2Hard carbonate stratum of Huangchunba Member of Lower Triassic Yelang Formation (T1y)Shabaowan Member of Lower Triassic Yelang Formation (T1y), the rock mainly includes mud rock, silty limestone, and argillaceous limestone with relatively weak lithological characters.