Qijiehe River
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39-Swallet stream and underground river

Swallet stream and underground river of Qijiehe River
Qijiehe River zigzags and extends towards northeast with free flow and subterranean flow running alternately. It submerges into underground for several times to form four underground river segments which can be accessed and whose total length is about 5km. Finally it submerges into underground at Dacaokou and converges to Liuchonghe River after flowing towards northeast for 2km. Ponds, turbulent brook and shoal spread all over the underground riverway. Inside the cave, there are few stalactites on the cave wall. Riprap and dangerous rapids are at the bottom of cave, besides, many kinds of strange cave creatures grow in the underground river.
Characteristics of swallet stream and underground river of Qijiehe River in Guizhou Zhijindong Cave Geopark

Stream segmentLengthShape, scale and characteristic
Gouyaoyan segment1305mQijiehe River runs to underground to form swallet stream from the end of Gouyaoyan Gorge and then meets a steep ridge about 6m in height after running 50m long and then forms the turbulent flow. Afterwards, the riverway is wide at some places and narrow at other places, and the widest place is about 20-35m and the narrowest place is less than 2m with the height of 50-75m. At last, Qijiehe River runs out of Youcaichong Gorge and changes to free flow.
Youcaichong segment1210mQijiehe River is captured by underground river in the middle of Youcaichong Gorge. The riverbed is basically made of gravel-cobble and the riverway is gentle with the height of 45-70m and width of 25-35m. The bank is mostly made of sludge or gravels in some parts. Qijiehe River runs from the end of Youcaichong to form a rectangle pond and changes to free flow.
Swallow Cave400mLots of collapsed rocks accumulate at the bottom of river and the riverway is 60-70m in width, and 46-53m in height. There is a cliff ridge at the back of riverway with the height of 23 m. Now a retaining dam has been built on the river, where the upper water surface is gentle. When water runs across the dam, it will form waterfall with large sound like thundering.
Dacaokou segment2150mQijiehe River submerges into underground at the end of Dacaokou Gorge with lots of collapsed rocks accumulated at the bottom of riverway. The riverway is 30-65m in width and 35-55m in height. The river is wide at some places and narrow at other place. Sometime the flow is gentle and sometimes it is torrential. The outlet is on the bank of Liuchonghe River.