History of the Geopark

In 2002,Zhijindong Cave Scenic Area began to apply as the National Geopark of China.
In Jan of 2004, Guizhou Zhijindong Cave succeed in the application awarded as the National Geopark and of China
In 2011, the Administration for Zhijindong cave National Geopark of Guizhou Province was
In Nov of 2012, Guizhou Zhijindong Cave National Geopark Planning (2012-2025) approved the assessment by the Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC.
In May of 2013, Guizhou Zhijindong Cave National Geopark started the application program as the Membership of Global Geoparks Network.
Through National Review Committee Conference on the Eighth batch of global Geopark by Ministry of Land and Resources of P.R.China On Jan 15th, 2014,Zhijindong cave Geopark was recommended to apply for 2015 inclusion as a member of the Global Geoparks Network.
Honor of the Geopark

In 1988, it won the title as “National Scenic Area”.
In 1991, it was selected as one of the 40 tourist attractions of China by National Tourism Administration.
In 1994, it joined ISCA(International Show Cave Association).
In January 2004, Zhijindong Cave National Geopark in Guizhou province successfully applied and got the qualification of National Geopark.
On January 8, 2006, Zhijindong Cave National Geopark in Guizhou province officially inaugurated.
In 2006, it was approved as national natural heritage of China.
In 2008, it was approved as National AAAA class tourist attraction.
In September, 2013, it was selected as one of the most beautiful national geopark in China.

Management and Development Plan

Overall Layout of the Geopark

Functional layout of Guizhou Zhijindong Cave Geopark

The general layout consisted of one center, three scenic areas, one ancient town and three principle travelling lines
Development goal of the Geopark
In the future development, the geopark will pay more attention to work like community participation, tourist service,science popularization and scientific research, etc. and take the development of local economy and tourism products as pointcut, and endeavor to build the geopark to the destination of plateau karst ecological tourism and science tourism which is best conserved, developed and managed, to the world-class geopark, to the demonstration sites of conservation, management and utilization of the geopark, as well as the international plateau karst science tourism.
Community participation
Integrated with the community development plan, to improve the community residents participation management

Villages environment renovation

To conduct the renovation of the villages environment, gradually improving the infrastructure of water, power and communication, fully considering the issues of fire control, solving the problems of the rural’s difficulty in accessing medical service, help to better the villagers living situation

Science popularization in the community

To conduct popularization of knowledge on natural science, laws and regulations on environment protection, to improve the environment protection consciousness. Especially helped the students access the knowledge of environment protection from childhood, and organized environment knowledge training courses for the primary and middle school students of the community, in seeking a beautiful social fashion of loving the nature and protecting the environment.
Protection Area at All Class of Zhijindong Cave Geopark and Main Protection Scope and Content