Rare and Endangered Plants of the Geopark

Rare and Endangered Plants of the Geopark
Rare and Endangered Plants :There are 27 species of rare and endangered plants in the geopark. Of which: ①First-class rare and endangered plants species: 5. ②Second-class rare and endangered plant species: 7
Rare and Endangered Plants in Zhijindong Cave Geopark
 Note: (1) the plant name with *is old and famous trees, or artificial cultivation. (2) I, II and III refers to the conservation class, respectively indicating first-class, second-class and third-class conservation.
Rare and Endangered Animals:There are 18 species of rare and endangered animals in the geopark. Of which: ①First-class state protection animal species: 3. ②Second-class protection animal species: 15.

Rare and Endangered Animals in Zhijindong Cave Geopark
Zhijindong Cave secondary primeval forest
It distributes in fengcong around Zhijindong Cave with an area of 1.3 km2, which is the well conserved secondary primeval forest in the geopark. Among the arborous layer, the common varieties mainly include katus of fagaceae, castanopsis eyrei, C. carlesii var. spinulosa, castanopsis tibetara, E’mei katus, and cyclobalanopsis gracilis. Lauraceae plants commonly include machilus thunbergii, phoebe sheareri gamble, actinodaphne cupularis, manglietia fordiana of magnoliaceae, schima superba of theaceae and Sichuan cleyera japonica thunb. And plants of other families include symplocos sumuntia, elaeocarpus sylvestris, and exbucklandia tonkinensis, etc.

Wild monkey habitat of Zhijindong Cave
Lots of wild monkeys, especially wild monkey groups of stump-tailed macaque (Yunnan snub-nosed monkey) are attracted to live and mulitiply in Zhijindong Cave secondary primeval forest because of the excellent living environment which is composited by forest-cave-fengcong-tiankeng. At present, two groups of wild monkey are discovered, with about 20-30 in each group, therefore, it is a rare wild monkey habitat in karst plateau area of Guizhou province.
Stump-tailed macaque, with the popular name of bear macaque, its Latin name is Macaca arctoides, which is Second-class protection animal species in China.

Stump-tailed macaque and swallows' nest
Hometown of bamboo fungus in China
Bamboo fungus, which is also called “flower of fungus” and “plant chicken”, belongs to gasteromycetes, phallales and dictyophora, and a kind of cryptogam fungus parasitizing on the root of withered bamboo. Its form is similarly like net shape dry white snakeskin with bottle-green cap, snowy white columned stipe, pink egg shape volva. On the top of stipe, a round of delicate and while net shape indusium spreads downwards, so the whole thallus looks very beautiful, colorful and rarely precious. It just likes a girl in skirt, so it is also called “fairy with white skirt” and “flower of fungus”.
Zhijin Bamboo fungus
Zhijin Bamboo fungus, with a delicate and sweet fragrance and an exquisite and refreshing taste, has a high quality much better than that of the Bamboo fungus growing in other areas. It has become the leading variety of Chinese Bamboo fungus in domestic and overseas markets. Zhijin county was even given the title of Hometown of bamboo fungus in China by the China Edible Fungi Association in August 2000.
Sakura woods
Sakura is planted everywhere in the geopark, wherever the depression (valley) at various scale and shape, or on the side of precipice and mountain slope. From March to April every year, the sakuras bloom luxuriantly in pink, purplish red, scarlet and pink-white. The villages at the mountain foot or even the Zhijindong Cave Scenic Area in the mountain slope are covered by the colorful sakura, and the geopark is full of fresh flowery flavor.