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One-day camp study activity was carried out in Dongfenghu lake of Zhijindong Cave UGGp

On October 12, 2023, 63 second to sixth grade students from Bijie Experimental School started the one-day camp study activity through visiting, experiencing and learning. The one-day camp of Karst Geology was carried out in Dongfenghu lake of Zhijindong Cave UGGp.

    The goal of education is not only to impart knowledge and skills to students, but more importantly, to cultivate their overall quality development. This research activity adopts a combination of "water quality research+manual experience" and "on-site visits+situational teaching" teaching methods, extending the classroom to social practice. Through activities such as geological science popularization, wax dyeing experience, water cycle experiments, outdoor expansion, and interactive activities for boat rides and explanations, it helps young children get close to and understand nature, allowing them to gain knowledge, improve their abilities, broaden their horizons, and shape their character through firsthand experience, Enhance their practical ability and innovative thinking, stimulate their love for their hometown and spirit of exploring science.



    This research and learning activity also showcased the achievements of research and learning in the CCTV program "Revitalization of Rural Areas". In an interview with the CCTV new media host, the children happily said, "I took a boat tour of the Wujiangyuan River today, which is something I have never experienced before, it's so beautiful!"! I have also learned about water cycle knowledge and understood how important it is to protect water resources. In the future, I will participate in this kind of Research Activity again.


1.Thematic Team Classes/Fun Activities

    The teacher led the students along the inspection route of President Xi, and through the rich and colorful "Two Mountains" activities that were suitable for the age and psychological characteristics of the students, they revisited the concept of resource protection and ecological civilization that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and felt the beauty of harmony.


Thematic Team Classes


Fun Activities


Local food

2. Small experiments on Water quality testing 

  Under the guidance of the teacher, the students conducted small water quality testing experiments using water quality testing instruments and reagents. They used inquiry and experimental methods to understand the principles of water circulation, learned how to judge the quality of water quality, felt the beauty of ecological civilization, and realized the importance of protecting water resources.


Q&A on Water Knowledge


3.Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience of Batik 

  There is a group of "Waishumiao" living in the Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery scenic area, who have unique batik and embroidery techniques. In this study activity, students, under the guidance of their mentors and local residents, conducted a study course called "Experience of Wax Dyeing Intangible Cultural Heritage" to understand the history and culture of wax dyeing, learn about wax dyeing production techniques and steps, and experience the beauty of culture.



   The team leader said in an interview with reporters, "Through the experience class, students not only tried the mysteries of wax printing creation, but also felt the charm and shock of traditional ethnic culture.". Wax printing has inspired students to think about the inheritance of national culture, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in inheriting, promoting, and protecting intangible culture.

  While exploring the scenery, the guide carefully introduces the development of Huawu village to the students through real-life teaching, allowing them to appreciate the beautiful scenery and establish their cultural confidence and pride in their hometown, inspiring them to become useful talents for "building a beautiful hometown".

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