Network Communication
Zhijindong Cave UGGp and Tianzhushan UGGp Establish Sister Geoparks Relationship

On March 18-19, A delegation of four members from Tianzhushan Global Geopark visited Zhijindong Cave Global Geopark for exchange and investigation.Ms. An Taimin, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhijindong Cave UGGp Administrative Bureau, Mr. Li Yi, director of Zhijindong Cave UGGp Administrative Bureau, Mr. Liu Jianyuan, secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection of Zhijindong Cave UGGp Administrative Bureau, Mr.Liu Zhirong,chief engineer of Zhijindong Cave UGGp Administrative Bureau, and related workers meet with delegation from Tianzhushan.


    On 18th, Zhijindong Cave UGGp made in-depth communication withTianzhushan representatives. Both parks signed a sister geoparks agreement, and achieved consensus on cooperation on scientific research, science popularization and guide training, to promote common development.On 19th, Tianzhushan representatives successively visited Zhijindong Cave underground park, geo-museum, Zhijin Grand Canyon and Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery Park.