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1st GGN Digital Forum was held

Under the organization of GGN Executive Board, the 1st GGN Digital Forum was held during Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th November 2020 (12.00-14.00 GMT or 20:00 – 22:00 Beijing Time). More than 200 GGN Institutional Members, official representatives of each global geopark, GGN Individual Members and GGN Honorary Members participated in the forum.

    The 1st session of the GGN Digital Forum took place on Tuesday 17th and dealt with the general issues of GGN. The 2nd session of the GGN Digital Forum on Wednesday 18th deal with issues related to UNESCO Global Geoparks Programme and was open also to UNESCO National Commission Representatives.

     More detailed information about the agenda of the forum can be found at: http://globalgeoparksnetwork.org/?page_id=4695
