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Warm Reminders on the Safety and Prevention of Corona Virus Disease 2019

Dear tourists and friends: 

In response to the recent outbreak of new corona virus pneumonia in Wuhan, our geopark has actively taken epidemic prevention and control measures, increased the frequency of disinfection in public areas in scenic spots, provided disinfectant hand sanitizer in public toilets, and provided free hand sanitizers, infirmary Body temperature tester and stock medicines in the visitor center. I sincerely wish all tourists a pleasant journey! Healthy body! !


How to prevent corona virus? Based on the recommendations of the National Health Commission, the World Health Organization, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection and other institutions, the most critical points are summarized for everyone: 1. Wash your hands frequently 2. Wear a mask 3. Stay away from wild animals 4.Pay attention to personal hygiene.