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Zhijindong Cave UGGp celebrated International Mountain Day


     December 11 is the "International Mountain Day". On Earth, mountain area occupies nearly one-third of land area. Mountains provide us not only beautiful sceneries, but also abundant resources and minerals. However, there are more than 200 million people, who are living in mountain area and still subject to the threat of food shortage. In order to raise awareness of people at all levels about the importance of mountain area, the United Nations General Assembly designated December 11 every year as the "International Mountain Day" in 2003. The celebration of the "International Mountain Day" has greatly enhanced the knowledge of a large number of people on the importance of mountain ecosystems, deepened their understanding on the living state of mountain people in poverty, and also created opportunities for development in mountain area and better conditions for mountain people to improve their living status and environment. Because a lot of UNESCO Global Geoparks in the world are located in mountain area, the celebration of the "International Mountain Day" has become a very important yearly activity of global geoparks network.


    Zhijindong Cave Global Geopark is located in the west of Guizhou Plateau, and in the Zhijin County and Qianxi County of Bijie City, Guizhou Province. To celebrate the "International Mountain Day", the administrative office of Zhijindong Cave UNESCO Global Geopark conducted propaganda to the local villagers on Dec. 11. These have greatly made local residents and tourists understand and realize the importance of mountain area, pay more attention to the precious tourism resources, and advance poverty alleviation and prosperity development guided by the conviction that "Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are invaluable assets".
