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Playing a good tourism card to promote agricultural income

In recent years,Zhijindong Administration has built 3 tourism demonstration villages including Xiaotuoluo、Rong Gu Miao Village and Xia Hongyan Tourism Town,16000 local people were employed,which has created new jobs for the local people and increased people's income.
During the Spring Festival holiday,The number of tourists visiting zhijindong global geopark has reached a record high.

Agritainment business owner Mr Zhang said:During the Spring Festival holiday this year, my family's business is much better than in previous years.People come here for dinner keep more than ten tables every day.More people eating, we earn more  naturally. 


Catering business owner Mr Liu said:Thanks to the measures taken by Zhijindong Geopark to develop tourism to drive poverty alleviation, more people come to visit Zhijindong , food and shelter industries are driven up, and in this Spring Festival holiday, our business is booming, income is relatively acceptable.

Agritainment business owner Mrs Yuan said:During the Spring Festival holidays, we have lots of lodgers every day. Sometimes the rooms need to be booked in advance.


Zhijindong Cave UGGp linked the development of Zhijindong with surrounding rural tourism.Farmers around the geopark are actively guided and supported to develop tourism services such as farm restaurants, farm hotels and special tourism products stores.Our aim is to let more people benefit from the development of geopark.The villagers are getting better day by day. Every family has a stable income. A well-off life is slowly approaching them.