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Zhijindong Attends The 4th International Course on UNESCO Global Geoparks Management and Development


         From Oct. 30 to Nov. 3, the 4th International Training Course on UNESCO Global Geoparks Management and Development was jointly held by China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Taishan UGGp. Zhijindong Cave UGGp representatives attended the training course.


  The International Training Course on UNESCO Global Geoparks Management and Development  has been held for four times, which has a great impact and positive effect on the management and development of UNESCO Global Geoparks and has become an important capacity building activity.

    The training course invited members of UNESCO Council and Executive Board and many excellent experts to make systematic training on the management and operation of UNESCO Global Geoparks, interpretation and facilities of geoheritages, among others.

    During the training course, representatives of Zhijindong Cave UGGp made in-depth exchange with representatives of Taishan, Fangshan, Yangantau of Russia and other UGGps on the interpretation of geoheritage and science popularization activities, etc.
